

    Maximizing learning Classroom issues management A classroom management problem could be defined as any event, behavior, pattern, feeling, or thought that keeps us from being able to teach to our fullest potential or keeps our class from learning in the most liberated, satisfying and effective manner. Where Do They Come From? Most classroom management problems typically result from one of the following 3 causes: Things we don't yet do, or yet do very well (that would improve things). Things we do, that we need to stop doing (because they are limiting our success or in some cases actually making things worse). Ineffective ways in which we think about classroom management and/or students generally (the misconceptions, attitudes and mindsets that hinder the success of our management, and/or make us miserable).                                                                                                                                                                             


Introduction Almost all of us have passed through classrooms where we received guidance and knowledge from teachers, some assimilated it with ease while others found it a little difficult.  Teachers to impart knowledge must prepare and specialize in a branch, likewise students to acquire all that knowledge is necessary to possess various skills, abilities and aptitudes that encourage them to learn. If we ask our parents their opinion about the current education versus the education of their times they will say that the education of before was much better because they studied two days, they were more responsible, more creative, but the children nowadays have things easier, they study less hours, they eliminated homework and the study day is shorter, it costs them less effort. The design, construction and implementation of policies. Although the education reforms of the 1990s were focused on improving quality, they were not. on improving quality, this is still a pending task.  The texts


  A review is made of the history of education in Ecuador over the last 20 years, where the fundamental problem was concentrated in the lack of quality in education, low motivation of the teaching staff, the economic crisis and the almost null participation of governments in increasing the budget allocated to education. Poverty and the lack of public investment were also considered as factors that contributed to the low level of education and therefore its incipient contribution to entrepreneurship and the country's economic sector. It also includes the state policies that have been implemented by the current government and that have contributed to the development of education and the economic sector; seen from the objectives addressed in the National Plan for Good Living, evidenced in the construction of educational and university units of a high technological level, which contribute to the creation of new enterprises in the country's economic sector. Ecuadorian education ha

Education in Ecuador a vision in 20 years

CHANGES IN EDUCATION EDUCATION IN ECUADOR A VISION IN 20 YEARS   Education is changing rapidly, thanks to the possibilities offered by remote communication platforms and access to the internet. It is estimated that by 2055, half of all activities in the world will be automated, and that is why, at Anahuac University, we have created the Anahuac 2025 Model, so that the education that our graduates receive from the Bachelor of Pedagogy is ethical, flexible and adaptable to the needs of the education of the XXI century. Today, thanks to the advances of the digital age, the internet has become a tool in which students and teachers access the largest collection of knowledge in moments. For this reason, educators must adapt their teaching to new horizons in order to provide basic, intermediate and higher preparation. “Active” or “problem-based” learning seeks to hook the student's natural curiosity around a goal.Current education has advanced, from models where how much information could